Keep your Memories with Memory Markers
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- March 15, 2019
Happy Friday to you, one and all!
It’s weekend and at Statesman Stationery that means one thing for sure, something crafty is brewing. Let’s face it, kids grow up too fast, they always have, and they always will. We can remember our ages and heights being marked on the inside of our bedroom door frame. But life happens, people move houses, and little memories like that get lost along the way.
But what if they didn’t need to?
At Statesman Stationery, you can get rolls of self-adhesive #Blackboard Decifix, that paste’s on and peel’s off any surface, 2m long and 45 CM wide, and if you want to mix it up, we do the same size rolls in #NEON (and we mean NEON) with four in a pack – cut a few into strips and #zing up the Blackboard.
Then use our #Chalkpaint, #Permanent markers, #Glitter Glue Pens to capture their #ages, #heights, holiday locations, and more!
Stick on some of the #seashells finds from the holidays, add a #photo or two, #stickers, #paint #handprints, little #keepsakes, the #firstday of #school photos. The list of what you can add is basically as long as your imagination.
And if or when you have to move house, peel it off and roll up safely for the next house.
It’s more of a memory measurer than a height and age chart.
Remember, It all starts at Statesman Stationery!