Statesman Stationery

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Showing 145–156 of 335 results

Educational Wall Chart Seasons – Dry & Wipe

Original price was: R49.99.Current price is: R34.99.

This is a write and wipe poster about different seasons. This is suitable for kids of age group two and above.

Educational Wall Chart Solar System – Dry & Wipe

Original price was: R49.99.Current price is: R34.99.

Present the vastness of outer space, with this write and wipe poster. This educational poster ishows the nine planets and their position from the sun.

Educational Wall Chart South African Map – Dry & Wipe

Original price was: R49.99.Current price is: R34.99.

Teach the national geography to your kids with this write and wipe poster of the South African Map. This poster also includes demographic information such as population, languages,and more

Educational Wall Chart South African National Anthem – Dry & Wipe

Original price was: R49.99.Current price is: R34.99.

Instill the patriotic feeling in children with this educational poster about the National Anthem of South Africa. This is a write and wipe poster.

Educational Wall Chart STD’S – Dry & Wipe

Original price was: R49.99.Current price is: R34.99.

Openly Discuss about the Sexually transmitted diseases with those in need using this educational poster on STDs. This poster also discusses the causes and effects of the STDs.

Educational Wall Chart Subtraction – Dry & Wipe

Original price was: R49.99.Current price is: R34.99.

Mathematics is exhibited as difficult, with these engaging posters, wipe away the fear of maths from kids minds. Teach subtraction with this write and wipe poster.

Educational Wall Chart Time – Dry & Wipe

Original price was: R49.99.Current price is: R34.99.

Teach the kids about clocks and time with this engaging write and wipe, educational poster. It also illustrates the time to wake up and go to bed.

Educational Wall Chart Times Tables – Dry & Wipe

Original price was: R49.99.Current price is: R34.99.

Colourful and engaging, this write and wipe poster is as informative as it gets. Teach times tables upto 10, with this captivating posters.

Educational Wall Chart Transport – Dry & Wipe

Original price was: R49.99.Current price is: R34.99.

With vehicles all around us, it is essential the kids recognise and know them too. Teach about twenty different vehicles with this write and wipe poster.

Educational Tri-Lang Wall Chart Transport (English, Afrikaans and Zulu) – Dry & Wipe

Original price was: R49.99.Current price is: R34.99.

A brand new way to teach about the different vehicles. This is an educational write and wipe poster which names the vehicles in three popular languages.

Educational Wall Chart Trees of South Africa – Dry & Wipe

Original price was: R49.99.Current price is: R34.99.

Dig a little deeper into agricultural knowledge with this poster describing about the different trees for South African soil. This is a write and wipe poster.

Educational Wall Chart Vegetables – Dry & Wipe

Original price was: R49.99.Current price is: R34.99.

Eating vegetables is essential and so is knowing about them. Help the young ones learn about the different vegetables we use in our daily lives.
